July 27, 2024



Opening New Doors: Screen Door Press and the Celebration of Black Voices in Literature

2 min read

In the dynamic world of p, a new beacon has emerged to shine a light on the diverse and vibrant narratives within Black literary 0traditions. The University Press of Kentucky proudly unveils its latest venture, the Screen Door Press Imprint, dedicated to discovering, celebrating, and amplifying the voices of Black writers.

The Screen Door Press Imprint embarks on a mission to uncover unique, exceptional, and varied voices within Black literary traditions. With a commitment to showcasing the very best in fiction across a broad spectrum of categories, this imprint aims to provide a platform for narratives that captivate, challenge, and inspire readers.

Central to the Screen Door Press Imprint’s ethos is the celebration of diverse perspectives from the Black diaspora. By weaving together relatable characters, strong narratives, and beautiful language, the imprint endeavors to create thought-provoking books that reflect the richness and complexity of the Black experience. From historical sagas to contemporary tales, the imprint seeks to explore the myriad stories that shape the collective narrative of Black communities.

The Screen Door Press Imprint is proud to have the support of the Thomas D. Clark Foundation, an organization committed to fostering intellectual exploration and preserving cultural heritage. With this backing, the imprint gains not only financial support but also a foundation rooted in a legacy of scholarly dedication.

The journey for writers begins on February 1, 2024, when submissions to the Screen Door Press Imprint open. This marks a crucial opportunity for Black writers to share their stories and contribute to a literary landscape that is both diverse and inclusive.

Aspiring authors have until March 15, 2024, to submit their manuscripts for consideration. The selection process will be meticulous, with the aim of identifying works that exemplify the imprint’s commitment to excellence and diversity.

By August 2024, the finalists will be selected and announced, marking a significant milestone in the birth of Screen Door Press. The anticipation will culminate in 2025 with the publication of the first titles under the imprint, showcasing the culmination of efforts to amplify Black voices in literature.

In a world where stories have the power to bridge gaps and foster understanding, the Screen Door Press Imprint emerges as a beacon for Black writers seeking to share their narratives. With its dedication to diversity, excellence, and the celebration of unique voices, this imprint promises to enrich the literary landscape and contribute to a more inclusive portrayal of the Black experience. As the doors swing wide open for submissions, Screen Door Press invites writers to join in the journey of reshaping the narrative and opening new doors in the world of literature.

Screen Door Press – The University Press of Kentucky (kentuckypress.com)

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