September 15, 2024



Keep Pushing Forward: Why Giving Up Is Not an Option

2 min read

By Erick S. Gray

See, the worst thing you could do right now is to give up. Especially if you’re going through hell and back right now. Giving up right now means you want to remain where you are, and if you’re not happy where you are, why stop there? Stopping somewhere where you’re not happy, satisfied, accomplished, healed, saved, or well-off is equivalent to being in the middle of the ocean and dropping your oars or motor and forgetting about land. Giving up now is like sinking in quicksand, not trying to free yourself, or running a marathon through a desolate place and planting your seeds somewhere that isn’t meant to grow. If the situation makes you uncomfortable, then keep going and improve. Would you stay in the rain if your home was a few blocks away? Would you turn around to head back to the beginning after you walked twenty miles? Would you delete something on which you spent weeks or months because you feared the outcome or criticism? Would you cook a meal for your family only to throw it away? So why give up on something you want? No matter what it is, it could come tomorrow or next year. Shit, maybe that goal or dream you want could be 10 years from now, but no matter how far the distance, remember it’s there for you to reach and achieve. There’s a beginning and an end. After the end, it becomes another beginning. Life continues. Your goals and dreams are there no matter how difficult the road is. Keep God close, prayers up, and keep going no matter what. Just do it. Life doesn’t get easier we only become stronger. Remember that.

Author Erick S Gray (@egray28) • Instagram photos and videos

ISSUE 27: Prophets of Reality – INTELLECTUAL INK

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