July 3, 2024



Words On Wheels: Rolling Out a Summer of Reading Fun with Tree House Books

4 min read

This Saturday, Tree House Books is proudly launching its annual “Words On Wheels” (WoW) summer program, and their building is buzzing with excitement as they prepare for the first WoW delivery of the season. WhooHoo! Their team has been working tirelessly to ensure that this year’s program is bigger and better than ever.

For those of you who are new to Tree House Books, Words On Wheels is their free summer book delivery initiative designed to engage children in the joy of reading throughout the summer. This program is not just about delivering books; it’s about fostering a love for reading and combatting the dreaded “Summer Slide” – the tendency for students to lose some of the achievement gains they made during the previous school year.

This year, they are thrilled to announce that WoW is expanding its reach even further. Tree House Books is now partnering with summer camps in North Philly, ensuring that even more children have access to their enriching selection of books. By branching out to these new locations, they aim to inspire a broader audience of young readers and cultivate a community where literacy thrives.

However, they cannot do this alone. As they kick off this exciting program, Tree House Books is calling on you, their dedicated supporters, to contribute to this important summer initiative. Your support is crucial in helping them provide these valuable resources to children who need them most.

How You Can Help

  1. Donate Books: Consider donating new or gently used children’s books. Their goal is to offer a diverse range of titles that cater to all interests and reading levels.
  2. Volunteer Your Time: Join their team of enthusiastic volunteers. Help them organize book deliveries, engage with the community, or assist in summer reading events.
  3. Spread the Word: Share information about the WoW program with your network. The more people who know about their mission, the greater impact they can make together.
  4. Monetary Contributions: Financial donations are always appreciated and go directly towards expanding their reach and improving their resources.

The Impact of Your Support

Your contributions will help Tree House Books bring the joy of reading to more children this summer. By providing access to books, they are opening doors to new worlds and possibilities for these young minds. Your support helps ensure that every child has the opportunity to continue learning and growing, even when school is out.

Tree House Books believes that every child deserves the chance to become a lifelong reader. With your help, Words On Wheels can drive this vision forward, one book at a time.

Join them in making this summer unforgettable for the children of North Philly. Let’s fuel their imaginations, inspire their minds, and stop the Summer Slide in its tracks. Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to their mission. Here’s to a summer filled with adventure, discovery, and the magic of reading!

For more information on how to get involved, please visit their website or contact them directly. Let’s make this summer the best one yet for their young readers!

About Tree House Books

Tree House Books is on a mission to grow and sustain a community of readers, writers, and thinkers in Philadelphia. Founded in 2005, our vision is to make sure that every child has access to books and every opportunity to fulfill their dreams and explore their passion.

We are a Giving Library and Literacy Center in North Philadelphia with a dual purpose: to provide free books to the community and spread knowledge and awareness. We also provide Out of School Time (OST) programs that increase literacy skills, and promote a lifelong love of reading and writing in children from their earliest moments, through high school, and beyond.

Our Giving Library is a true community center, as well as a by-donation bookstore. Giving Library is open six days a week for our families. In our literacy programs, we have re-imagined the way OST programming can support our children, with a 2:1 student-to-instructor ratio at every level. Finally, understanding that books in the house is the #1 indicator of a child’s potential for success, we distribute thousands of books to children and adults all over Philadelphia.

We enlist the entire community – children, families, students, educational institutions, businesses, and more – to join us in a spirit of volunteerism and philanthropy, to change lives and have an impact on literacy in Philadelphia!

5 Programmatic Priorities

To achieve our vision, we operate on five priorities that inform everything we do:

Reading: We provide books to the community and offer programs that build literacy skills and spark a lifelong love of reading and writing in children of all ages.

Writing: We incorporate writing activities into our programs every day.

Thinking:  We encourage exploration and support intellectual curiosity in all programs to promote a non-judgemental environment in which participants express ideas, ask questions, and engage deeply with their learning.

Family Engagement: We support and encourage families to read together in the home through structured activities, events, and support services.

Community: We connect with our North Philadelphia neighborhood and contribute to the fabric of what makes this a strong community.


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